Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yom Kippur For Me

Yesterday I observed Yom Kippur like many Jews did. Starting at dusk, I fasted and I prayed. This is mandated (by God) and tradition by Jews.

As I prayed yesterday it really hit me. Not only was I concentrating on my own missed marks, my own faults and sins, I saw Israel as a whole and the world as a whole.  I truly realized how significant each persons actions and non actions touch the whole the saying goes, one life can change the whole world.

My mistakes, my missteps, my faults, my sins have an impact on all of humanity. Not only that, on all of creation!  Think about it.

This is true for each one of us.  Teshuvah (repentance) means more than turning around your life, it means
that the world as a collective depends on you! Will you be true to God? Will you be true to yourself?
Will you be true to all of creation?

What you do, your action and your words do make a difference on a grand scale. These things affect your self, your family, those around you, strangers, and even those who live across the world.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Jews just welcomed in the New Year, Rosh Hashana and between this time and Yom Kippur, it is a time of inner reflection.

WOW! How the year goes fast! Although, we ought to have inner reflection all the year through!

I am human. I have some things to work on in my self. Every one does. We live and we learn.

A video to watch:

Every One Falls:

Look what Jews in Israel say about this time of year:!

Shana Tova!  5773

Monday, September 3, 2012

The God Connection

Some of you who read my blog might be Jewish, some of you might be Christian, some of you might be Hindu or maybe even American Indian. Religions and cultures may look at certain things differently, have different kinds of beliefs and rituals...but it all comes down to connection.

Connection to others, connection to nature, connection to God and as some say, The Ultimate Higher Power or Source....and how ever you say it...God, Creator...the One who we believe to be God.

Christian pastors and such will tell you to pray, to talk to God and so it is with Judaism, the Rabbis and the congregation pray. Our desire...all of to connect with God.

Some will go through certain rituals to connect and say certain prayers. These things are good. Yet, when a person is very ill and can barely speak or can not speak at doing rituals or saying certain blessings or certain meditations a must for this person? I do not believe so. Merely the desire for God's help and attention  is what is known by God.

Connecting to God happens in various ways...through various means. Prayer, meditations, song, dance, and walking through the park or sitting in a meadow under a tree with your open heart and mind, a desire to be connected with God.

A person who is in need of God, perhaps a person who has a terrible alcohol problem. These people with such problems need only open their minds and hearts to God and desire to change. That is the first step.

We all can connect with God, no matter who we are or where we came from.  It's actually very simple and taking the time daily will change your life.