Have you ever been in situations where you think that there is no way out? That there doesn't seem to be an answer? Only to find out later when you recall your situation it appears that you were guided by your Creator's Hand? Sometimes this is how it may go. Let me give you a for instance. You are financially stuck and you have tried in every way to rectify your financial woes. You have tried to find a second job to no avail, you talked to family and friends but no one can help. Then it is inevitable that you can not pay your rent or bills. You are in a panic mode and things look are bleak. You pack up your stuff and save what you can and find yourself at someone's door. It might take a several days, weeks or even months but then something happens. Doors start to open. You find a different full time job that pays much more and you find a place to live that is so much better than the last place. You look back on the terrible time you had in this process but then you realize that God's Hand was actually guiding you...almost forcing you to go a certain direction.
I don't know about your life experiences, but I have had several experiences like this in my life. While I lived in this seemingly perilous times, it took me awhile to finally figure out a pattern of when God takes charge or has a better plan for you and direction in which way you are to go. It's almost like when you think that you are stuck in a rock and a hard place....backed up to the Sea of Reeds (so to speak). These types of experiences are requiring faith and letting God do what is necessary to get you to that right place.
Living through it is not easy, no doubt, but when you finally get there, you might see that those hard experiences were worth it.
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