The hardest thing to have is faith during really tough times. It's hard to see the bigger picture and when you are down, things seem bleak, dismal. You have to force your eyes to open and accept what is. I have read a lot of books on this subject and as good as the books are, they still come up short to as why we go through horrible experiences. Rabbi and author, Harold Kushner wrote a book, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". The good Rabbi lost a child to a rare disease. An informative book, a touching book, but I still felt like I needed more of an answer. I still struggle with the "whys", especially when you read about stories like Daniel Perl who was beheaded by monsters. His wife was pregnant with their first child at the time. Or the people who suffered during 9-11. Or the thousands and thousands who suffered in the Holocaust. It boggles my mind!
When I go through tough times, I think about Job and what he lost, what he must have felt and the poor guy (though the story may not be fact), was covered with boils as well! And this man was supposedly a very good man!
Most of us have down days, the blues. We wait it out, we try to do things to occupy our minds. But, when something terrible happens, this is a true test! Hanging on is a challenge! Even the most laid back people can experience grief, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion.
Some people cling to God and others might eradicate their relationship with God.
There is the emotional pain that cuts to the quick and the soul feels like it will expire. It's hell, it can feel like one is separated from God and from every living creature, alone and lost.
But, somehow most of us come through it. It may take months or years but we come through.
I can tell you, I have had my share of woes and I have had my share of chaos. Many tears have been shed.
My solace has been to lean on God more than ever during each of my experiences. Crying out to God is something that may seem like a weak thing to do, but it's quite the opposite. Even the bravest soldier in battle who is wounded and dying calls out to his Creator.
Every day should be a conscious effort to connect to God, don't wait until the tough times.
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