Sunday, April 15, 2012


Prayer is an individual thing some say. Well, yes it is. Sometimes it's a collective thing as in a minyon (10 who pray together) and daven, to pray.

In Judaism, there is no mediator to pray to, only to pray to One and that is God, the Creator.
We don't pray to saints or some messiah, we pray only to God, the One God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).

Reciting blessings and supplications are done in the Synogogue, Shul, or Temple or in the home or anywhere and at any time.
Depending which affiliation, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc., prayer and blessings may have suggested times of the day, especially for the Sabbath (Shabbat) and Holy Days and different Jewish observances.

Personal prayer is well, personal. Between you and God, perhaps family and friends included.

Prayer can be something that is already written and then recited out loud or silently. Or prayer can be spontaneous and also a crying out to God.

When one prays, whether a recited prayer or "free lance" prayer, it ought to be from the heart, with sincere intention.

Prayers can also be used as a type of meditation. One example would be if a person is yearning with all hos soul to be close to God. One might recite a Psalm from the Tanach (Bible). Or perhaps for a special supplication.  Also, included in this could be special Names of God that is recited and meditated on.

There have been Jewish Sages that are so engrossed with prayer that they have wonderful vision type experiences. A true connection to God in a phenomenal way.

Prayer connects, prayer heals, prayer directs and sometimes prayer seems like it's never answered.  But don't be dismayed. Prayer is answered whether it is immediate or in the future, God hears our prayers if we have a sincere heart.

Fasting is another aspect of prayer. Fasting for answered prayer over concern, something important. Fasting is mentioned in the Tanach.

Many lives have been saved and changed because of prayer.  However, not all prayer is answered in how we want it to be. Sometimes we don't know why God doesn't answer  the prayers for a loved one who is dying.
Some may become very discouraged because of this and no, we just don't know why all can not be healed and saved. For some, it is their time, and that's the best answer most can offer.

Daily prayer is something that can be cultivated. Set a time for daily prayer. Pray for others, pray for your county, pray for leaders...the list is endless. Talk to God and yes, He will listen.

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