Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Beginnings

Soon it will be Rosh Chodesh, October 16th and 17th.

A time for a New Beginning in so many ways.

The High Holy Days were spent in reflection and asking for forgiveness.

Now it's time to take action and change, to teshuvah.

This from Hineni:


          This week, we once again commence reading the Torah from the very first portion which is called "Bereshis" - "In the Beginning." Even as the parsha is called "In the Beginning", we are all granted the opportunity for a new beginning. There are many areas in which we may do so. What is important is that we commit to making a fresh start - commit to the study of Torah on an ongoing basis, commit to more careful adherence of mitzvos, commit to deeds of chesed which render us kinder and gentler. That`s what new beginnings are all about.
          This parsha is rich in life-transforming wisdom. We study about G-d`s creation of the world, which reminds us that we are guests on this planet, totally indebted to Him - obligated to give back by making a difference in the world. We study about the sanctity of Shabbos and the blessings that accrue to those who observe it. We study about the creation of man - Adam and Eve, who were invited to join G-d in partnership and failed so tragically. We study about accepting accountability, the first step to tshuva - repentance, and that "fresh start". We study about the relationship between husband and wife G-d intended them to be one - helping one another on the road of life. We study about the evils of temptation represented by the malevolent serpent, and we study about the first catastrophe - fratricide, provoked by resentment and jealousy. In short, we study about life and how we might best avoid the pitfalls of our own frailties and realize our purpose.
          In addition to the names with which we are familiar, each of the Five Books of Moses has also been given names which define them. For example, the Book of Genesis is also called "Sefer Yetzirah" - "The Book of Creation", which means that all the events that are related in the Book of Genesis foreshadow that which will occur throughout our history. Therefore, let us focus for a moment on the story of Cain and Abel, two brothers who literally had the whole world at their disposal - and yet, it was not enough. Cain could not find happiness. The awareness that Abel succeeded where he failed consumed him. His jealousy peaked when G-d accepted Abel`s offering (which reflected Abel`s best effort) and rejected Cain`s, which was not given full-heartedly and was of inferior quality. In vain did G-d challenge him: "Why are you so downcast? You can improve yourself - you too can bring an offering that will be accepted. You need only desire to do so."
          Cain`s blind anger and jealousy did not allow him to recognize his own culpability - instead of searching his soul and banishing rancor from his heart, he indulged his jealousy, and lashed out at his brother and killed him. The story of Cain and Abel teaches us that possessions do not confer lasting happiness. Cain literally had half the world and was still not content. It is important that we not delude ourselves into believing that if we are able to acquire just one more thing, just one more possession, we would find fulfilment. Happiness comes from within, from being content with our lot - as we say at the end of Grace After Meals: 
"Dorshei HaShem lo yachsuru kol tov" - "Those who seek HaShem will never feel that they are lacking anything in this world" 
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Osher

Monday, October 8, 2012

For Everything There is a Season

The cycle of life and here it is fall time in the upper Midwest. The bright colors of fall on the trees has peaked
and the leaves are falling to the ground. I live by the lake and today is slightly warmer than it has been in the last several days so I have been taking some time to enjoy watching nature prepare for the winter.
Robins are everywhere around, heading south. Squirrels and chipmunks are busy gathering acorns. Geese are gathering in bigger flocks ready any day now to move to warmer water and grasses.

Listen, keep still, and observe.

The robins are singing cheery songs, maybe some kind of road trip song or should I say, air trip song.

You might see wild turkeys gathering together as well.

Winter is coming and it will appear that nature is asleep. But, perhaps only contemplating, resting and reflecting.

Then when the cycle is complete, once again I will sit on the porch and listen intently to nature's music.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Weird Reality

There are those stories you read or hear about that make you pause and wonder, then you shake your head thinking that stories like that are not real....but are they?

I have such a story to tell and yes, it's weird, unexplainable and true, very true.

Years ago I lived in Oregon and my neighbor was a nice old man whom I grew fond of. Our friendship was that of trust and since I was in the health care field he asked me to tend to a wound that he had on his one leg. He asked me to do sterile changes of his bandages. He was in a wheel chair and was pretty much home bound. We would chat and sometimes chat for a hour at a time or more.
He told me about his wife (who had died several years before) and he would talk to me about his daughter whom he loved very much. He told me about his travels when he was young working for a car dealership and he would go across country for the car dealership.

Then this dear man passed away unexpectedly from a stroke.
I missed talking with him.

A few years later I bought a house in New York after my mother passed away. I bought a car, packed up all my belongings that were to be shipped via van lines and my youngest daughter and I trekked across America heading for our new home.

The second day on the road I became sick with a nasty cold. So, we cut our road time short so that I could rest. We got a motel room not far from the highway that we were on.
After a good nap I stepped outside and there was a young man in the next room to my room and he stepped out. He looked familiar. We started to chat a bit and he told me how he traveled across the country. He had a wife and they just had a baby girl. After chatting with him for a bit I noticed a scar on his leg....he had a pair of short on. It was a wound in the same place as my neighbor's. I looked at this young man and wow! He looked like a young neighbor!

I can not explain it. I only know that this guy looked like a young George, my neighbor and he had a scar on his leg in the same place on his leg and he talked about his wife, traveling for work, his wife and his baby girl.

George? Was that you?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yom Kippur For Me

Yesterday I observed Yom Kippur like many Jews did. Starting at dusk, I fasted and I prayed. This is mandated (by God) and tradition by Jews.

As I prayed yesterday it really hit me. Not only was I concentrating on my own missed marks, my own faults and sins, I saw Israel as a whole and the world as a whole.  I truly realized how significant each persons actions and non actions touch the whole the saying goes, one life can change the whole world.

My mistakes, my missteps, my faults, my sins have an impact on all of humanity. Not only that, on all of creation!  Think about it.

This is true for each one of us.  Teshuvah (repentance) means more than turning around your life, it means
that the world as a collective depends on you! Will you be true to God? Will you be true to yourself?
Will you be true to all of creation?

What you do, your action and your words do make a difference on a grand scale. These things affect your self, your family, those around you, strangers, and even those who live across the world.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Jews just welcomed in the New Year, Rosh Hashana and between this time and Yom Kippur, it is a time of inner reflection.

WOW! How the year goes fast! Although, we ought to have inner reflection all the year through!

I am human. I have some things to work on in my self. Every one does. We live and we learn.

A video to watch:

Every One Falls:

Look what Jews in Israel say about this time of year:!

Shana Tova!  5773

Monday, September 3, 2012

The God Connection

Some of you who read my blog might be Jewish, some of you might be Christian, some of you might be Hindu or maybe even American Indian. Religions and cultures may look at certain things differently, have different kinds of beliefs and rituals...but it all comes down to connection.

Connection to others, connection to nature, connection to God and as some say, The Ultimate Higher Power or Source....and how ever you say it...God, Creator...the One who we believe to be God.

Christian pastors and such will tell you to pray, to talk to God and so it is with Judaism, the Rabbis and the congregation pray. Our desire...all of to connect with God.

Some will go through certain rituals to connect and say certain prayers. These things are good. Yet, when a person is very ill and can barely speak or can not speak at doing rituals or saying certain blessings or certain meditations a must for this person? I do not believe so. Merely the desire for God's help and attention  is what is known by God.

Connecting to God happens in various ways...through various means. Prayer, meditations, song, dance, and walking through the park or sitting in a meadow under a tree with your open heart and mind, a desire to be connected with God.

A person who is in need of God, perhaps a person who has a terrible alcohol problem. These people with such problems need only open their minds and hearts to God and desire to change. That is the first step.

We all can connect with God, no matter who we are or where we came from.  It's actually very simple and taking the time daily will change your life.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fire Rainbow

An interesting and beautiful sight that is rare, a fire rainbow. One was spotted over Florida.
There is a scientific explanation of this rare event but is there a spiritual message from God?

Hear me out.

I do believe that God communicates with us mere humans via nature. Oh, yes.  Sometimes God will bless us and sometimes He will not. He holds the rain, he releases the rain. So in the Tanakh and the Christian Bible it says so in Deuteronomy. The blesses and curses. We also read in His Word that the plagues via nature in Egypt caused much harm to the Egyptians.  Why should today be any different...God still communicates through nature with us.

Some might say to me, "how can you say such things! God would not bring bad things to good people in the way of a tornado or a hurricane!"  let me say this...God has a message, He warns us over and over again.
Like a parent who tells their child, "no, do not behave like that!" But, after several times of behaving badly, well...a parent might scold a child, punish them in some fashion. Does that mean the parent hates their child? Not at all! The parent teaches the child and so therefore, the child will hopefully grow up to know better and lead a good and moral life!

What is this about the fire rainbow? Well, I have no idea what exactly God might be communicating to us, if at all with this event. But, the first thing that comes to my mind is fire and water.  The clouds are made up of water droplets and acts much like a rainbow and colors appear, that is the "fire".

There are the 4 elements: fire, water, air, and earth.  In the Tanakh/Bible, water and fire are talked about in various places...the heavens and angels.

Depending what Kabbalistic source you read, such as the Zohar and the Tanya, these elements can have different meanings.  In the Tanya, fire means anger and pride and water means persecution.

I believe that God is trying to communicate with us. This rare display was over Florida. Florida is a big issue politically right now in America and many Jews live in Florida.
I believe that God is communicating a message to the people in Florida and to Americans, but I am not sure what...yet.

Could it be that fire and water have a meaning for Florida? America?  Also, look at how the weather has been so very unusual this summer for 2/3 of the country. Hot and humid! Even in places that do not usually have this extreme heat and humidity.

The way we talk and think, God knows....

Heating up, hot, muggy, thick air.

On the political scene, it is heating up, elections are soon, and economically we are in trouble, this country is in big trouble. God knows what man does.

Things are getting hot and troubled (fire).
Things are stifling, oppressed/persecution. Obama and his regime want to bring down America and have been doing a good job of it. Obama and his campaign had issues with Florida recently about voter registration. He also is suing to restrict military votes.

Yes, things are heating up and getting nasty.  That is oppression, water.

What is God saying, if anything? I don't know.

Fire Rainbow over Florida:

Friday, July 27, 2012

9th of Av

This coming Saturday night to Sunday night I will be observing 9th of Av in which I reflect and observe certain restrictions, a type of mourning, for remembering certain terrible events that have happened on the 9th of Av for the Jewish people. Two Temples were destroyed n those days of long ago.
I also am remembering at this time he murders of Jews committed at the Olympics in 1972 by Palestinians.

Monday, July 2, 2012

UH OH, Another?

I created another blog. Yes, this is true!

This blog I write about my personal journey that took me out of Christianity.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Radical Moves

Sometimes things get so intense that one has to do what they have to do. Things can get a bit crazy and overwhelming. Then, at least for me, that means a bit of a change and that's where I am at for now.
Physically and emotionally. Ah, yes, these times are a changing and we keep growing and moving to other things. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Death, a Story

Short, but to the point message from a man who tried to commit suicide and experienced "the other side".

Love is what it's all about.

from Coast to Coast AM web site:


My thoughts on the here after:

I read many books on the matter of death and dying. I have read about and also watched many Youtube videos on near death experiences.  I also took care of many dying people when I was in the medical field and held the hand of several as they passed away.

Can you be certain without a doubt that YOU will die and there is nothing else?

If man is a conscious being, is it fair to say that our conscious energy will remain as
All life form at some point dies and the molecules breakdown, nevertheless, these atoms are energy.
But what about our consciousness? Is it limited to brain matter and nothing more?

This is why I love Kabbalah...the old traditional Kabbalah that is not of the new age sort.
Kabbalah is for anyone and it is not a religion, although it does have moral concepts.  It is a science of sorts as well as explaining phenomena.  Kabbalah has been around for a very long time...some say several thousand years and some say even from the time of the Hebrews at Mt. Sinai.

The hardest thing for many people about God is the issue of injustice and/or pain.
Many Jews left God because of the Holocaust. They asked as many do ask, "if there is a God, how could He allow such pain and injustice?"
Several religions try to answer this question. Buddhism explains that this is the way of Karma.  Judaism and Kabbalah also have a similar view.
Most would say that we just don't know all the answers and truly we do not know all the answers.
Cruel as things happen to some people, we must realize that we are here on earth, a realm of flesh and blood and material things. We also must realize that we have a choice, a free will to a certain extent.

Let me ask you...have you ever had an experience or experiences that seem way too coincidental?
I have. I have had many of these type of things.  For instance, I ran out of gas once and I had my oldest daughter with me who was 2 yrs old at the time. We were stranded and I didn't have any money. Just when I had gotten out of my stalled car and wondered what the heck I was going to do, a man came along and asked if I needed help. He went to a gas station for me, got a gallon of gas for me and never wanted me to pay him. The man had a Salvation Army uniform on. This was one of many types of incidents that happened to me. Right time, right place? Or a guiding hand to help from beyond....

There are some commonalities in the NDE (near death experiences) that I have noticed when watching video accounts. People who pass away briefly enter into a bright light, see loved ones who have passed before them, and a great feeling of love. It doesn't matter if the person is Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or even atheist....people who have had the NDE have come back to tell about their experiences and it changed their lives. No longer did they fear death.

I have also seen NDE videos where some people were great sinners and completely selfish and lived horrible lives who came back to tell about darkness, fear, demons, and crying out to be saved from the wretched darkness and alone-ness. These people came back and changed their attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyle.

I recall a man who told about how he was involved with drugs and didn't care much about spiritual matters. He overdosed and came back to tell about his NDE. He told about these horrible feelings as he was in complete darkness separated from God. He changed his tune and became a Rabbi!

I have heard and read articles about science/doctors trying to explain away NDE' and saying that the brain will behave in certain ways before death. But, that doesn't explain accounts of people on an operating table able to see things that they wouldn't necessarily see standing in the room, never mind lying on a table knocked out!

If I had the thought and attitude that there is no God and that when we die, we die...then why live? Why be nice to people? Why try to accomplish anything? Why bother with it all? I probably would find myself moping around and being bitter. But, thankfully, I have chosen to belief in something greater than myself and to believe that I will exist after my body dies.  I am aging...everyone does...and when that time comes...I plan on having a great time on the other side.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Shavuot starts May 26, 2012 at sundown and continues to May 28th.

Shavuot is truly an awesome time.

At Mt. Sinai, the Israelites received the Torah.  It is an observance where many study in the Shuls all night long, reading the Torah. It is tradition to eat a bunch of goodies like cheese cake at this time.

Sounds good to me!

Crash course on Shavuot:

Live Stream service, Friday, May 25, 2012 at 1:30 P.M. eastern time:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Loving Yourself

For some, the hardest thing to do is to love your self. It can be a daily battle for some.

Rabbi Lazer Brody: video: Loving Yourself

You are unique and Hashem loves you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tending the Garden, Your Soul

Have you ever gardened? It takes a lot of work, persistence to maintain a garden that is beautiful.
How much more that we ought to tend to our souls! Even soul tending is hard work for it is easy to be careless and off the mark. But, once one eliminates the weeds, it is easier to maintain and grow a health garden...your soul. I have said a long time ago, "you become what you surround yourself with". Isn't it true that if we fill our minds with garbage, that is what we speak, feel, and believe? Rotten, filthy gardens need to be cleaned up and redeemed. If one surrounds themselves with the Torah (the Bible), then we learn and we cultivate a beautiful soul. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Prayer is an individual thing some say. Well, yes it is. Sometimes it's a collective thing as in a minyon (10 who pray together) and daven, to pray.

In Judaism, there is no mediator to pray to, only to pray to One and that is God, the Creator.
We don't pray to saints or some messiah, we pray only to God, the One God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).

Reciting blessings and supplications are done in the Synogogue, Shul, or Temple or in the home or anywhere and at any time.
Depending which affiliation, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc., prayer and blessings may have suggested times of the day, especially for the Sabbath (Shabbat) and Holy Days and different Jewish observances.

Personal prayer is well, personal. Between you and God, perhaps family and friends included.

Prayer can be something that is already written and then recited out loud or silently. Or prayer can be spontaneous and also a crying out to God.

When one prays, whether a recited prayer or "free lance" prayer, it ought to be from the heart, with sincere intention.

Prayers can also be used as a type of meditation. One example would be if a person is yearning with all hos soul to be close to God. One might recite a Psalm from the Tanach (Bible). Or perhaps for a special supplication.  Also, included in this could be special Names of God that is recited and meditated on.

There have been Jewish Sages that are so engrossed with prayer that they have wonderful vision type experiences. A true connection to God in a phenomenal way.

Prayer connects, prayer heals, prayer directs and sometimes prayer seems like it's never answered.  But don't be dismayed. Prayer is answered whether it is immediate or in the future, God hears our prayers if we have a sincere heart.

Fasting is another aspect of prayer. Fasting for answered prayer over concern, something important. Fasting is mentioned in the Tanach.

Many lives have been saved and changed because of prayer.  However, not all prayer is answered in how we want it to be. Sometimes we don't know why God doesn't answer  the prayers for a loved one who is dying.
Some may become very discouraged because of this and no, we just don't know why all can not be healed and saved. For some, it is their time, and that's the best answer most can offer.

Daily prayer is something that can be cultivated. Set a time for daily prayer. Pray for others, pray for your county, pray for leaders...the list is endless. Talk to God and yes, He will listen.

Counting the Omer

Making a special fun calender for kids is a great way for them to count the Omer.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Get the Leaven Out!

Whether you are Jewish or if you are a Christian, preparing for holidays is exhausting! Shopping, cleaning, preparing meals, and so forth. Pesach is no different. It can be overwhelming. But, at the same time, I love  this Holiday. Family, friends, and the story of the Exodus....freedom!

May you and yours have a truly wonderful Pesach!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Passover Audio Teaching

Rav Ariel Bar Tzadok,, has a free online audio teaching about Passover.

Listen and enjoy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Puppy Love

I adopted a puppy. Oh, I have been wanting to do this for a very long time! YEARS! After I lost my sweet black labby girl, Twila whom I adored, I finally decided to find a dog that I can carry in a tote! Well, Sunday afternoon, I adopted a very sweet Chihuahua puppy who is almost 8 weeks old. I named her Pixie!
Nothing lifts the spirits more than the love of a baby! 

Friday, March 23, 2012


Shabbat is the Hebrew word for Sabbath and it is observed (Judaism) from dusk on Friday night to dusk on Saturday night. Why not just a day, starting with the morning until night? In the Tanach, God tells the Israelites to observe the Shabbat, the day of rest. A day in the Tanach starts with dusk. Genesis 1:4: God called to the light: "Day," and to the darkness He called:"Night." And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

The Talmud (Oral Law) which was handed down from Moses to Aaron and so forth and also a guide line in how to observe the Mitzvot (613 laws) is a type of "fence" that instructs how to observe with out risking error.

For the sake of non Jews who read my blog, it is not necessary for non Jews to observe these 613 commands (instructions), for many are just for the Israelites ( Jews). For instance, there is a command that Israel's land be at "rest" from agriculture, to allow a rest time for the land.
It has been agreed many, many years ago among the Rabbis that non Jews continue to observe the Noahide Laws. These are also mentioned in the New Testament Christian Bible, when considered by the apostles of Jesus. They also agreed that non Jews were to accept the Noahide Laws instead of accepting circumcision in which Jews practice. The Covenant between Jews and God).
Never were non Jews held to the 613 laws at any time, unless a non Jew converts.

Shabbat is a time of communion with God. Leaving all earthly matters aside.

What can one do on Shabbat?  Well, it depends on if one is Reform, Orthodox, or Conservative.
The Conservative and Orthodox are more closer in this matter with the exception that Conservative allows for the congregant to drive to the synagogue on the Sabbath...given that they drive no place else.

There are some do's and don'ts on Shabbat:

Can not do:

Do not light a fire or extinguish a fire and that includes turning on electricity. Jews prepare their meals before hand or keep a pot on the stove that is lit prior to Shabbat and turned off when Shabbat is over.

Do not create any thing, which includes writing, drawing, sewing, knitting, cutting, and anything that would be considered making and creating. (God rested on the 7th day).

Do not drive a car (Orthodox).

Don't walk over a mile.

Carry anything that is outside of the stated perimeter. A woman's purse is fine, however.

Buy or sell anything.  (Christians have a misconception that Jesus was mad because they were buying and selling at the Temple.  The vendors were selling outside the court and this was allowed for vendors to sell animals to be sacrificed when Jews went to the Temple prior to Shabbat).

Gardening isn't allowed because one would be creating.

Baking as in creating a lump of dough and baking. No mixing such as water into oatmeal.

The Do's of Shabbat:

Walk under a mile.

Play games that don't require writing or creating.

Swimming or any other sport that would not include any creating, driving, or igniting fire, extinguishing a fire, or hunting.

Sex with your married partner.

Reading, telling stories, or any other pass time that doesn't involve writing, creating, or igniting a fire or extinguishing a fire.

Saving a life. Anything to be done to save a life of a human or an animal. Caring for the sick and wounded.

The trouble is that non Jewish friends have a hard time understanding these things. They might say something like: "Let's go to a movie, I will buy and what harm is that?" Or they might say: "turning on a switch isn't work!"  It's at those times one has to really explain to them that these things can not be done.

Non Jews are not required to observe what Jews observe but there are Noahide Laws that they are to observe.
Many years ago, Christians had their own set of rules to how to observe their Sunday Sabbath. These rules have fallen to the way side. It used to be that Christians, too, did not work on their Sabbath, nor did they buy or sell. That has changed.  The Christian Sabbath is looked upon a day to go to church but everything else is ok....watching TV, cooking, cleaning, gardening, mowing the lawn, and so forth is not forbidden or frowned upon.

Judaism 101:

Noahide Laws:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When Tragedy Strikes

All of us have had some kind of tragedy in our lives, whether it is loss of someone close to us or a loss of our lively hood. The true test of such matters is in how we respond. Do we lean on God more or do we part ways in believing in Him who has created us?  I can tell you that I have had my share of losses. A sister of mine took her own life and a best friend of mine took her own life, too. I lost my parents, one from illness and the other simply because it was her time. The pain is tremendous but some how we muster ourselves to continue on.

The deaths of the Rabbi and the children in Toulouse, France was horrific. Gunned down by an Islam terrorist who hates Jews. Senseless murder of children and a Rabbi. There are truly evil people that live in this world and evil can come at any time to anybody, in whatever form. How sad it is to read that this murderer not only succeeded in taking the lives of innocent people but also took away the faith of the children's great aunt, who proclaimed that she lost faith in God from this tragedy.

It is natural in our anguish and despair to turn away from God and we ask, "how could God allow this to happen?" After certain events happened in my life, I too, asked the "whys". I set out on a quest to find something to help me understand and I admit, I found no concrete answers. Some tell us that this is karma, some say that we have to work on learning what we need to learn. These reasons do not console but just bring up more questions. Did Daniel Perl do something so horrific to deserve having his head barbarically cut off? There are mysteries that are hidden and I suppose that only when we enter into the other side of life will we know the reasons, the whys.

My heart goes out to the families that experience tragedies and it would be safe to say that my heart goes out to everyone on earth.

The best thing that I can think of to tell you is that we need to be there for each other. Helping in whatever way that we can. Tragedy will strike, it's as sure as the seasons will change. This is life on earth and either we react by leaning on God more or we can fail ourselves by believing that God doesn't care.

My advice to those who have lost and are full of anguish, stay close to God more than ever and keep close to family and friends. No matter how you feel and what you may think, closing doors to others who care about you will not do anyone any bit of good. If all seems futile, contact professionals that can help.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is Here

Winter can seem to be so long and dragged out. Lack of sunshine and low energy can hinder our spirits and cause us to be depressed, frustrated, or just plain lazy. A lot of us gain weight during the winter months which doesn't help our attitude. Now that spring is here, the sun's warmth and light refreshes us, lifts our moods and we feel better. Watch nature. See and listen to life coming back. Take the time to enjoy the renewing of God's creation.

What's neat about spring is that it's warming up but not hot. It's a great time to get involved in new projects and cooking great, healthy, low fat meals. Keeping ourselves light and hardy, feeling healthy in every way helps us spiritually as well as mentally.

Pick up some fresh flowers, go for walks, listen to soothing music, it's time to be refreshed and renewed!


In a quiet place inside or out doors, sit in a comfortable chair or position.  Breath deep and relax, with inhaling
raise your tummy and exhale slowly. Imagine that you are some where with nature, perhaps in an enchanted forest that has deer and other creatures. Imagine that you can go up to these kind creatures and tell them hello. You see in the forest beautiful wild flowers and trees. Colorful and serene is the forest.

Go where you will in your nature experience, don't forget to hear the sounds as well.
When you are finished, return slowly by counting to 3 and then open your eyes.

A start to a great week: fruit salad.  Oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, and other fruit that will help you be healthy and give you energy.

May this spring season bring you energy and wonderful renewal!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Pesach is coming. On the Jewish calendar it is the 15th day of the month of Nisan and that means April 6th at sun down for 2012 (5772).

Observant Jews do not wait until the last day! Oh no! We start about a month before Pesach starts.

Spring cleaning you say? Well, no. Pesach isn't about spring cleaning. Pesach lasts for 8 days around the world but 7 days in Israel. Pesach means to "pass over", hence most call this time Passover.

The object of getting ready for this time is to clean all the chametz out of the home.  That means to get rid of any yeast/leaven from the home which includes any kind of food that has been made with leaven and corn, popcorn, rice or anything that rises. Nothing with leaven can be eaten in these 8 days but instead meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruit or any kind of product that is not made with yeast/leaven such as matzos (a special wafer   that is made of flour but no yeast).

The Biblical story of the Exodus tells us that when the Israelites were finally allowed to leave Egypt, they had to leave in haste and their bread had no time to rise.  Also, getting the chametz out of the home symbolizes for us to purify ourselves and be Holy like God has commanded us to do. In other words, get the sin out and teshuvah (repent).

The story is not just something that we read about in the past but it is also to be reflected on for ourselves, each individual and how we trust in God through trying times, desert times.

The home is prepared starting a month ahead by cleaning and organizing. Getting the "sin out" can take time in many of us! I start by making a list of what to do and what to buy. From there I start checking on the proper untensils and plates, for special cooking ware and dishes are to be used that never touched chametz.

Just days before Pesach, I clean like crazy and down to the last hour, I make sure that no chametz is in the home, checking curtains, cupboards, coat pockets, purses, and even cleaning out the car!
I also like to go over recipes and find new things to have for snacks and dinners. Matzo pizza is really good!

To learn more about Pesach, visit:

My Pesach Experiences:

I do recall one time I thought I would be really frugal and make my own matzah. Not a good idea! I think I will stick to the grocery store Kosher for Passover!
I did a puppet play (the story of the Exodus) with my two daughters one year. That was fun.
I sew my own afikomen cloth and decorate....that is fun, too.
I watch craft videos to come up with new and fun ideas.
Pesach is wonderful when you celebrate it with family and friends!
Beautiful flower arrangements makes Pesach bright and cheery.
Don't forget the music! If you have a musician in your group, don't forget to play Dayenu!

After the Israelites left Egypt, God had a very important proposition for them. Something that would change the world forever. This was the Commandments.  Moses was summoned by God to meet with Him atop Mt. Sinai and so it was and Moses presented God's Commandments to the people below Mt. Sinai.  The people accepted and they became the light unto the nations.

A reality of the story is about freedom. As you probably know, the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and God heard their cries, Moses was the man to take on the task and the Israelites were finally given their freedom.
To be free isn't an easy venture. It takes time, effort, and most often sacrifice and loss of lives. Yes, for the Israelites, to gain freedom was hard work and lives were lost when they entered their promised land.

So, today in my land where I reside, a country that is "free". America is a land of the free but losing hold on certain liberties. Our Constitution is being attacked by those who believe in an evil ideology called communism. This Pesach I feel that I need to reflect on not just myself and my deserts that I have had to endure but I would like to think and pray for America and Israel both, for freedom is precious and a blessing from God.

Happy Passover,  Chag Pesach Same'ach.

Matzo Pizza:

Matzo Kosher for Passover big crackers, no salt.

Kosher for Passover tomato pizza sauce

Kosher for Passover cheese

Veggies including olives/pre cooked if need be.

Cracker, sauce, cheese- shredded, and veggies spread out on cracker on baking sheet, bake until cheese is melted.

NOTE: This year, 2012, Pesach begins at dusk on Shabbat (Sabbath).

Monday, March 12, 2012

Let Your Ears Hear....

I am sure that you have heard it be told that the Torah is the Living Word of God. You probably also heard that His Word is Truth and that God created all things with sound. Scientists of course have been on to something with this and they call it string theory.  Some people who know Hebrew have put the letters of Hebrew into sound. Listen to the beautiful music from God.

Music from the Torah:

Scroll down for a sample:


HARRARI's Harps (King David's Harps):

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Purim starts pretty soon! The story of Esther is celebrated. The story of how a queen, a queen who was Jewish, saved her people from annihilation. Maybe you have read the story in the Bible. Maybe you have wondered why
the Jewish people celebrate this day. In modern times, the Jews are to "bring to life" certain observances in order to reflect on who they are personally and what they endure. For instance, at the time of the Exodus from Egypt, wandering in the desert....can we relate to how our own personal life is to this event? Has there been a "desert" in your life? What did you experience and how did it help you become closer to God? So too, with the story of Esther. Has there been a time in your life or perhaps many times in your life that you felt that you were against some type of adversity? How did you over come it and did it help you come closer to God?

Queen Esther had learned that the evil Haman had evil plans for the Jewish people. With help from her uncle who raised her (Mordechai), they over came this sinister enemy and saved the Jewish people.

I have had many obstacles and trials to over come in my life time. But even though it seemed like God wasn't there with me, He really was. When I look back at a lot of what I went through, I understand the why's. Not all the time do I understand, but many experiences I do understand. I celebrate the Story of Esther, Purim, for I know God is with me and yes, like the saying goes, "there is a reason for everything".

A Mother's Love

How far do we go to protect our children? How far do we go to ensure that our children are happy?

A mother's love goes beyond nurturing, if she is wise, she will raise her child to also be loving and giving.
She will raise her child to respect others. She will raise her child to yearn for knowledge and truth. She will raise her child to be obedient not only to be obedient to her but to be obedient to the child's father and other authority in the child's life. To let a child go their own way with out proper instruction is to deny the child a great blue print for a happy life.

The Tanach/Bible instructs in which way the child should go. It is a manual for all parents regardless of their
religious beliefs.

A loving mother is also a prudent mother who understands how to raise a happy and productive human soul.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is Kabbalah a Cult?

I hear and read of so many cutting remarks about Kabbalah from gentiles. They assume that Kabbalah is some sort of dark cult similar to witchcraft or other pagan practice.  This is so far from the truth!
I have been "studying" Kabbalah for over nine years.  Traditional Kabbalah that is.  Not this new age Kabbalah that has become popular with Hollywood stars, like Madonna and brandishing red threads on the wrist to ward off evil spirits...which is ridiculous!

Kabbalah has been around for thousands of years. Some say since the first man, Adam. Others say since Abraham, in which his teachings reached India (Brahmans). It's a way of looking at creation, God, spiritual aspects of life.  It is digging deeper into The Word of God and discovering the mysteries of life and beyond.
The most popular way in which to do this is meditation and use gematria, which uses the Hebrew letters which equal numbers. For instance the letter "B" in English is close to the letter Bet in Hebrew and has the numerical value of 2.  Using the numerical values of letters and words compares to other words and thus one can see some sort of relation in seeking answers. These methods of discovering answers to pining questions hardly resemble some hocus pocus type of cult. Many Jewish Sages have mastered Kabbalah and have revealed to their students hidden mysteries and they are based on the Torah.

I have to ask where Christians get their insights from on life's questions?

I know of a pastor who taught his congregation that on Noah's Ark, there were probably dinosaur eggs on the Ark. How does he know that? Yet, his congregation listened to him.  He must have some thought on that. Maybe he took a peek in some mystery writing? Who knows.

Haven't a lot of us wondered about many questions that the Bible/Tanach doesn't seem to answer? Kabbalah Sages have searched and found many, many answers. Wouldn't you like to know?

A book that I highly recommend is: Personal Kabbalah, by Penny Cohen.

Find out what all the mystery is about.

Neither Here Nor There

People say it's not wise to talk religion or politics. Why? Because most people have formed their own thoughts and beliefs and it's hard to persuade others of your thoughts and beliefs. Religion and spiritual matters are personal. How we relate to God is our own business and we live in a country where we have the freedom to choose how we want to worship.

I can only state what I believe about what I have learned and what I think and feel about what I have learned.
Other then what has been written and documented, my beliefs are mine.
For instance, though the Bible/Tanach is not clear on what happens after we die, I believe that we are judged in how we led our life on earth. By whom are we judged? By God? By our own selves? By a Heavenly Court?
It could very well be that we are judged each by someone or something different. I may be judged by a Heavenly Court, you may be judged by your own self.  What is important in the whole equation is that we must be aware of how we do on this earth. How do we act? What do we say? How do we treat others?

I have heard some Christians say that people who don't believe in Jesus will go to hell. I have to ask, who said? By what I have read in the Tanach, one is responsible for their own sins and not for their father's sins. This is in Ezekiel. But, you see, the point is this. Each person is responsible for their own sins and teshuvah (repentance). Regardless if one is a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc.
Is it wise to point our fingers at others and accuse? I do recall reading that the angel Samael (hasatan) is the accuser. In the story of Job, hasatan is actually doing God's bidding. God tells hasatan what to do and God is the one who commissions hasatan and all the angels what to do. There is a reason for hasatan. He was created for a reason with several different missions. He does not have the power to do anything.
This is what Judaism knows about hasatan (the satan). He is an accuser, he is the Angel of Death, and he is the tempter. All these tasks have a purpose and believe it or not, this satan actually helps us to learn!

Another thing about Judaism that gentiles do not understand is the Torah (law) mitzvah, "an eye for an eye".
This is not taken literally. It means measure for measure and is meant for the monetary equivalent of being compensated. Do you really think Jews went around gouging eyes out? Or chopping off fingers? I don't think Jesus was literal about turning the cheek. Yet, in those ancient days, indeed radical punishment was stoning. Barbaric compared to lethal injections that we have today. Hmmm.

Neither or nor there.  The best way to lead our personal life is to know what God expects from us. If you are Jewish, that means observing the Torah, the 316 commands/instructions.  For gentiles this means the 7 Noahide Laws.  Be a good steward of acts of kindness, forgive others, watch your speech/gossip, etc.

We can change our micro-world and we can change the macro-world by each acting upon these things.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life After Death

Olam Ha Ba

Who doesn't wonder where we go, where our souls go after our body expires? I have heard some say that we go live in heaven for eternity. Well, what do we do for eternity? That sure is a long time! Do we play harps and sing songs? I for one do not believe that nonsense. I personally believe that our souls are consciousness and energy. I also believe that heaven or the other side is full of adventure, full of amazing, tremendous things.
From near death experience reports, many tell that they go through some sort of tunnel and then they see light. They are welcomed by family members whom have passed away before them. Many accounts tell that the other side is very real, that it is actually more real than this place on earth. That the colors are so bright, luminous, and hard to describe. Some told of a life review, in which you experience a review of all that you have done while here on earth. Some say they reviewed with God and some say they reviewed themselves and judged themselves.  I have also heard accounts of those who refused to believe in God and refused to live a righteous, moral life. Their accounts are horrifying, some totally separated from God and any one else in darkness.  I guess that would make sense. If one is without "light" and is "dark" (negative), then how can one be light on the other side? Yet, I have heard that some have had these experiences and allowed a chance to rectify and be revived, to come back alive and change their life.

I recall a story that Peter Jennings, the journalist/Television personality did several years ago before he passed away. The story was about a little three year old boy who would tell his parents how he was a pilot and described the air plane and aircraft carrier to them. A fascinating story about reincarnation. The parents said that there was no way that there little three year old was exposed to this military kind of information, yet this boy described what these things were. One interesting point is that in an interview of this boy when he got older, he recounted how he chose his parents to be reincarnated to. He also stated that he had watched (in spirit) his parents "make love" and he knew that these were the parents he wanted to have. What? He watched? Well, in the Buddhist religion, this is what they that in choosing your soon to be parents, you watch them create you. Interesting but ewww. However, when we are in spirit on the other side, things like this are looked upon differently. Not at all disgusting.

Is reincarnation real? I don't know. I have no proof. In Judaism, it doesn't matter if one believes in reincarnation or not, the point is to live here on earth the best that you can.  Also in Judaism there is what is called tikkun.  It means repair.  Part of the human task in living on this earth is to repair as individuals and to repair as a whole human species. To connect to God, to live a moral life, and to practice acts of kindness.

Atheists will tell you that they do not believe in God. They say there is no proof. But, I have a suspicion that
deep inside they do wonder about God but refuse to acknowledge God because they don't want anything to do with religion or obedience to God.  I also would have to guess that most atheists believe in something.
They believe in science or humanity (man).
I think about the movie, Contact, starring Jodi Foster and was written by Carl Sagan. Carl Sagan was an intelligent scientist (cosmologist and astronomer) who did not believe in God. But, he, as many other atheists, believed in something. Even that shows through in the movie. I have to wonder where Carl Sagan is right now, he passed away in 1996.

The saddest thing is that when people have denounced their belief in God because of tragedy. None of us truly know why some bad things happen, but they do. It's hard to lean on God when one is suffering terribly.

Christianity beliefs on the here after is about going to heaven, staying in heaven for eternity and if one is not a believer in Jesus, their messiah, then one goes to hell.  I am assuming that is a hell with everlasting fire.

Judaism has differences of opinions. There is no set standard belief in Judaism about the after life. The after life was not really talked about much thousands of years ago in the Israelite community or in the Torah.
It was only when the Christians came on the scene and talked about these matters did the Jews start to question their Rabbis about the after life.  The Christians believed in the here after and being rewarded. The Jews, too, wanted to believe in something greater to come.

In the Torah, there are places that tell us that so and so went to be with his own.  Meaning, when so and so passed away, they went to join their ancestors.   There is an account of Saul contacting a medium to summon the dead in 1 Samuel 28.  This is forbidden to do according to the Torah. If it was forbidden, then there must be some truth to being able to do that.
Sheol is mentioned in the Tanach/Bible.  Sheol is a place where souls are cut off from God, it is darkness, the grave. This very might well be the place or realm  that some near deathers experienced who were cut off from God and light.
Some people believe that there are no such bad places. That even Hitler and the likes will not experience punishment. They simply reincarnate to another life that teaches what they must be taught and experience.
The eastern traditions such as Buddhism calls this karma. In the west, some call it, "what goes around, comes around".  In Judaism it is called "measure for measure", whether regarding here on earth or in another life time.
That would also be a belief held by new agers.

In Jewish Kabbalah there are many "levels" of the soul.  The animal soul and the human foundation soul is called the nefesh soul. It deals with this earthly realm and humans and animals have this level of soul.  Then the next part of the soul is the ruach. This means spirit. Next is neshama which is breath or breath of life.  Then there are two last parts and they are chaya (living one) and yechida (singular one).
Not many people obtain the levels of the last three levels of the soul here on earth. It takes practice, obedience to God, and good deeds. The last level is impossible to obtain. In Kabbalah it is taught that we have a higher self, some call it our guardian angel, who is actually us. The higher us on the other side who guides ourselves through life on earth. Some call this connection getting to know your higher self.

When I think about Genesis and God breathed into Adam, he breathed in the spirit into Adam.
Adam was spirit on the other side before he was made flesh.  When God clothed Adam in skin, that meant he clothed Adam in human flesh/skin and Adam became a human on this earthly plane.

Adam became a human with a nefesh soul AND a ruach soul. Higher than an animal who only has a nefesh soul.

If we have a soul consciousness and it is energy, then energy has to go somewhere. It just doesn't evaporate and disappear for ever.

Many Christians do not realize this but Christianity long ago did believe in reincarnation as did and do some Jews.

I like the saying by Teilhard de Chardin, "we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience".

Reincarnate boy:

Judaism 101: The World to Come (Olam Ha Ba):

Chabad: The Soul and the After Life:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

What might seem to be a living hell for one person may not seem that bad for another. Is it how we perceive things to be? Is it our own unique personality that helps us face difficult situations better than how others might handle these tough times? Is it faith?

I have had my share of tough times. Yes, including cancer and homelessness and the loss of two children due to custody issues (having no money to fight back).
It hasn't been easy.  I also lost a sister to suicide and a best friend to suicide.
I have had my bouts of doubt and depression and spent several years on a quest in search for answers to who I am and what life is all about.
I am sorry to tell you that I still do not have all the answers but this I know for certain. When terrible things hit me face on, I have to hold on tighter to God. I have to make a real effort in trusting Him to do what is best, no matter how bleak things may seem.

Most of the problems that I have had are from choices that I have made in my life. The first thing that I had to recognize was that it is my fault and no one else's fault for all the things that have happened to me. With the exception of cancer, I own up to the bad decisions I have made. No one forced me to marry the two men I married. No one forced me to go certain ways instead of other ways. I made the decisions and it wasn't my parent's fault and it wasn't even my husbands' fault. Yes, they were jerks, but it was me that decided to marry and trust these men with my life. I could have said no. The first marriage was when I was in my 20's and I was young and stupid. The second marriage was when I was in my 30's and should have known better!
Now that I am in my 50's I can see plain as a crisp, clear day! Darn it! But, this is what life is. One big
lesson and as they say (whoever that is), "I went to the school of hard knocks"!

So, I have told my children that what they decide could effect the rest of their life.

My great times shine and my bad times were lessons learned and I refuse to forget, so that I do not repeat those mistakes!

The good, the bad, and the ugly can be survived. Trust in Him, lean on Him and you will make it through!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Backed into a Corner

Have you ever been in situations where you think that there is no way out? That there doesn't seem to be an answer? Only to find out later when you recall your situation it appears that you were guided by your Creator's Hand? Sometimes this is how it may go. Let me give you a for instance. You are financially stuck and you have tried in every way to rectify your financial woes. You have tried to find a second job to no avail, you talked to family and friends but no one can help. Then it is inevitable that you can not pay your rent or bills. You are in a panic mode and things look are bleak. You pack up your stuff and save what you can and find yourself at someone's door. It might take a several days, weeks or even months but then something happens. Doors start to open. You find a different full time job that pays much more and you find a place to live that is so much better than the last place. You look back on the terrible time you had in this process but then you realize that God's Hand was actually guiding you...almost forcing you to go a certain direction.
I don't know about your life experiences, but I have had several experiences like this in my life. While I lived in this seemingly perilous times, it took me awhile to finally figure out a pattern of when God takes charge or has a better plan for you and direction in which way you are to go. It's almost like when you think that you are stuck in a rock and a hard place....backed up to the Sea of Reeds (so to speak). These types of experiences are requiring faith and letting God do what is necessary to get you to that right place.
Living through it is not easy, no doubt, but when you finally get there, you might see that those hard experiences were worth it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tough Times

The hardest thing to have is faith during really tough times. It's hard to see the bigger picture and when you are down, things seem bleak, dismal. You have to force your eyes to open and accept what is. I have read a lot of books on this subject and as good as the books are, they still come up short to as why we go through horrible experiences. Rabbi and author, Harold Kushner wrote a book, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". The good Rabbi lost a child to a rare disease. An informative book, a touching book, but I still felt like I needed more of an answer. I still struggle with the "whys", especially when you read about stories like Daniel Perl who was beheaded by monsters. His wife was pregnant with their first child at the time. Or the people who suffered during 9-11. Or the thousands and thousands who suffered in the Holocaust. It boggles my mind!
When I go through tough times, I think about Job and what he lost, what he must have felt and the poor guy (though the story may not be fact), was covered with boils as well! And this man was supposedly a very good man!

Most of us have down days, the blues. We wait it out, we try to do things to occupy our minds. But, when something terrible happens, this is a true test! Hanging on is a challenge! Even the most laid back people can experience grief, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion.
Some people cling to God and others might eradicate their relationship with God.

There is the emotional pain that cuts to the quick and the soul feels like it will expire. It's hell, it can feel like one is separated from God and from every living creature, alone and lost.

But, somehow most of us come through it. It may take months or years but we come through.
I can tell you, I have had my share of woes and I have had my share of chaos.  Many tears have been shed.
My solace has been to lean on God more than ever during each of my experiences. Crying out to God is something that may seem like a weak thing to do, but it's quite the opposite. Even the bravest soldier in battle who is wounded and dying calls out to his Creator.

Every day should be a conscious effort to connect to God, don't wait until the tough times.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

End of Days and Torah Codes

Many scoff at this idea of the "end of days". Many scoff at the Torah Codes. Many even scoff at a global economic collapse even though the evidence is right before them.
The end part of Daniel is understood to mean that Daniel was told that the Word of God would be sealed, closed until the end of days and then when the proper time comes, the Book (Torah) would be opened for the wise to understand. Daniel 12:9 in the Jewish Tanach after Daniel asked, "what is the end to these matters?'
Verse 9 says, He said, "Go, Daniel! For the matters are obscured and sealed until the time of the end..."
In our age of computers, it made it possible to discover that indeed there is language, communication from God to man about the end of days through His Word!
It has been said by many Rabbis that we are not to foretell the future, not through astrology, not through any kind of magic, not through psychics, not through tarot cards, etc.
But, would this be foretelling the future through the Torah Codes?
I do not believe so. It has been shown that what is written within the Torah as codes can change. Also, God's Word through Daniel shows us that God planned to use His Word to help people, to give them a tool to understand these last days.
If you are driving down the highway and about to enter a small town, is there not a sign that reads, "stop lights ahead"? Would you ignore the sign and not slow down? Wouldn't you be thankful that there was some warning?
We have a remarkable, magnificent tool that God has given to those who will accept it. God is telling us that it's time! it's time to prepare. It's time to get right with him, teshuvah! It's time to heed His warning!
But, be careful. Know that even though we can not "predict" what will happen and such and such a day, we can understand certain events that could happen. Be careful not to underestimate or over-estimate. Be careful not to obsess but be wise in taking care of your soul, your relationship with God. Be prudent to plan ahead for whatever emergency and hardship that could occur.  Even people that pay for home insurance understand that anything could happen.
God has sent out His warning. A lot of us know that something is "brewing".  A light descended upon the Temple Mount this last year in which many believed it to be the Archangel Michael, Israel's angel.
Open your minds and hearts to what God shows you. What seems ridiculous is not ridiculous at all! The unexplained will happen more and more. Get ready, get close to God.

Real Bible Codes:


King David prays to God asking God to not remember the sins of his youth. How many of us do stupid things when we are young? The young think they are invincible, their energy is incredible but they lack knowledge and wisdom unless they come from a family that gives good instruction. Who doesn't worry about their kids once they go away to college. We've heard about the stories. Teens gone wild. Drinking and sex is their past time.
It's very concerning given that some of these teens destroy their futures.  I have told my kids that what ever decisions you make can determine the rest of your life!
Yet, who has not been a sinner? We all fall short of the mark. Whether it be how we act towards others in what we say or do or whatever mitzvah (mitzvot; plural) we ignore.
There comes a time when a lot of people recognize there needs to be change within themselves. If they have a love for God, they desire to change not only for God but for themselves. Some take longer than others in this process of change. However long it might take, being persistent is rewarding. People can and do change, it's called growth. God tells us (through His Word) that if we call upon Him and repent with a sincere heart, He hears us and he forgives us.
Being young isn't easy, but being young with a guilty heart is a good sign that teshuvah will take place with success. Guilt brings repentance and repentance turns us around to obedience to God. What a refreshing and beautiful thing repentance is and brings us closer to our Creator.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Close Encounter With the Holy Kind

How can I have a blog about spiritual matters and not mention my very own experience with a messenger from God? If I were to keep silent then how could anyone know that there really are angels in our world? I feel that I must share what I experienced and let you know that angels exist among us. I have to also ask you, if you see your angel who is in charge of you and you see them every day, would you act differently?

Here is my true account of an angel who came to me.

I was living in Gresham, Oregon in 2000. I was having a garage sale not long after my mom passed away. It was a sunny Sunday. A few people came and left and it was a brief quiet moment. A man came up and looked in a box that I had set out filled with small toys. He asked how much these tiny toys were. I told him ten cents.
He picked up a toy and brought it over to me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his hand, opened his hand and said, "well, look it here!"  I looked in his hand and he held a dime and a star of David ring!
I excitedly said, "that's a star of David!"  "Oh! You know what this is?" he asked.  "Yes! A star of David ring!" Well, I had no idea who this man was, I had never seen him before. yet, how did this man know I was interested in Judaism? how did this man know that I spent many days praying to God for His Truth and how did this man know I spent hours upon hours researching online about Judaism? The man asked me if I love Israel. He asked me several times and each time I told him yes!  He told me that if I gave him ten dollars and a movie I had out on display, he would give me the ring. I gave him ten dollars and he chose a move, Touched by an Angel. He gave me the ring. The ring isn't anything special to look at. It is all silver and old looking. My hands and fingers are small, I wear about a size 5 or 6 in ring size. This ring fits perfectly!

So, that is my story and was it an angel? Could very well be.

Searching for Truth

Some people do not have any passion to question who they are, where they came from and what life is all about.
That particular person is not me. I question everything. I wonder endlessly. I want to know who I am, what the world is about, what living on earth means and who God is. So, I have searched with great fervor for as long as I can remember. Testing different religious beliefs which included American Indian culture and Zen Buddhism. I am happy to announce, I have rested comfortably in the religion/faith that I have had a great passion for since I was a young adult. I finally made up my mind in the late 1990's and from there I have had a tremendous spiritual in-depth training that I never thought I could obtain. Everyone has their own path, their own life's experiences and it depends on how deep you want your spiritual life to go and what you want to open your mind to. Ask God and he will faithfully show you. He will guide your feet to where you need to go.
For me personally, I fell in love with Judaism. This is my home on this earth.

Introduction to Devorah's Garden

I am Fran Boscow and my Hebrew name is Devorah.  I thought it might be a good idea to start another little blog besides the political one I keep up with. Devorah's Garden will be about spiritual matters and life in general.
I hope that you will find this blog interesting and please leave comments, I would love to hear from you.
